Assertive Communication — Building confidence and Trust in the workspace
“I guess”, “May be”, “I think” — we all find ourselves using such terms in our workplace often. But is that the best way to communicate with our colleagues and clients? Using uncertain language can convey a lack of confidence and may make others doubt our abilities. By using more assertive language and backing up our statements with evidence and analysis, we can establish trust and confidence in our communication.
For an example — Refer Two teammates in their workplace trying to debug an issue with their project, below. Observe both the styles of communication and try to spot the difference. In case, you get it right — you need not read further! 😄
Spotted the differences between Scene1 — Uncertain Communication and Scene2 — Assertive Communication ? 🧐 If yes, let me know in the comments.
I hope the above two scenes are relatable to you, especially when you have been working and involved in frequent meetings. And of course, Scene 2 is the style of communication we would want to have in our team/workplace.
Effective communication is essential in any workplace, but it goes beyond simply conveying your message. Your colleagues’ opinions of you and the outcome of your work may be significantly influenced by the way you communicate. Building trust and confidence in the workplace can be facilitated by developing assertive communication skills.
What is Assertive Communication?
A communication style that is clear, straightforward, and respectful is assertive communication. It entails being confident in how you express your views and emotions while also taking into account those of others. You can effectively express your wants and goals through assertive communication without being confrontational, confused, submissive, or manipulative.
Why is Assertive Communication Important?
Assertive communication is important in the workplace for several reasons:
- Builds trust and credibility — Assertive communication shows self-assurance and clarity in your message, which can make you seem more credible and trustworthy to your coworkers.
- Promotes teamwork — Assertive communication helps to promote teamwork by creating a culture of open and honest communication, where everyone feels heard and valued.
- Increases productivity — Less time is wasted on pointless conversations or actions when there is clear communication.
- Creates a positive work environment — Assertive communication creates a pleasant work atmosphere where everyone feels appreciated and valued.
Common Language Patterns That Undermine Assertiveness
Despite the benefits of assertive communication, many of us may use language patterns that undermine our assertiveness, such as using phrases like “I guess,” “I think,” or “maybe.” These phrases can make us sound uncertain and decrease our credibility.
Alternatives for Assertive Language
Instead of using these uncertain language patterns, we can use assertive language to convey confidence and clarity. For example, we can say “I am confident that…” or “Based on my experience…” Using assertive language can help to build trust and credibility with your colleagues and promote effective communication.
How to Practice Assertive Communication
If you’re not used to communicating assertively, it may take some practice. Here are some tips on how to practice assertive communication:
- Identify your communication style — Take note of how you communicate in different situations. Are you passive, aggressive, or assertive?
- Use “I” statements — Use “I” statements to express how you feel or what you need. For example, “I feel frustrated when…” or “I need more information about…”
- Practice active listening — Listening actively and attentively to your colleagues’ concerns and needs can help you understand their perspective and build trust.
- Avoid blame and judgment — Use neutral language and avoid blaming or judging others. Instead, focus on finding solutions to problems.
- Be confident and direct — Speak clearly and directly, and don’t be afraid to state your needs or boundaries.
Thats a wrap
Building trust and confidence in the workplace can be facilitated by developing assertive communication skills. You can foster teamwork, boost productivity, and create a great work atmosphere by using assertive communication techniques. Keep in mind to speak assertively, listen actively, and communicate with assurance and directness. You can improve your communication skills and your connection with your coworkers by doing this.